The world of “Gokuraku” with golden luster
What was reported to western society regarding Japan for the first time is, as far as I know, “The travels of Marco Polo”. He told his friend what he had experienced and heard from others on his journey to China in the 13th century, and his friend left them out. This book says that Japan was the country of gold. It is said that this book involved much fictions, but in Japan at that time there was place which he talked about. It was Hiraizumi. Hiraizumi is located in Iwate prefecture in the north-east of the Honshu approximately 450Km from Tokyo. Hiraizumi in the 12th century had produced gold and sustained prosperity independently very far from Kyoto which was the capital of Japan at that time. The lords of Hiraizumi for four generations had contributed their assets to Buddhism on the hills of Chuson-ji and one lord built the Golden Hall. It gathered great popularity and its reputation seemed to be transferred to China. You can see it as it was built in 1124 thanks to the big projec...