Machiyas in Kyoto

Kyoto is the most popular city for foreign sight-seeing travelers in Japan. But yet, the recent rapid increase in the number of visitors is gradually transforming the traditional townscape into a different aspect. The traditional townscape and atmosphere of Kyoto had been made by a lot of old houses,”machiya”s, temples and shrines, but many machiyas are being replaced by new hotels or new condominiums. It depends on the cause of increasing number of visitors, but on the contrary it is a cause of the disappointment for visitors who hoped to come into contact with the traditional atmosphere in the city. So then I recommend that visitors who want to know an aspect of the citizens’ lives should visit machiyas. You can know an unknown world of interest. Now, I will introduce a machiya which is open for viewing it in the center of the city. A machiya of a Japanese traditional folding fans Onishi-tune-shorten is a Japanese traditional folding fan merchant. The house is the typical machiy...