The wondrous world of Zen Master Hakuin
Look at the picture above. Is it a manga-picture? No! Is he an old western man? No! Does he look headstrong? No! He is Hakuin, a famous Japanese Zen priest of about three centuries ago, and this is his self portrait. What does he see with his big-open eyes? Anyway, it is current for a three-century-old picture. This picture is Darma, the Indian Zen creator, painted by Hakuin. Probably Dahma was the supreme enlightened person in Zen. So he must have had a calm face like a Buddhist statue, but does he have doubtful eyes? The lady in this picture is Kannon, the goddess of mercy in Buddhism, and it is said that she always works to give whatever people want by her thousand hands. Nonetheless, she looks relaxed and she seems to abandon to respond to people’s wishes. This picture was painted by Hakuin as well. The naked fat man is Hakuin, then he looks free with a smile. Why is he naked with a flower in his right hand and a bucket in his left hand? I can’t judge whether those...