Ise Shrine (2)

Ise Shrine (1)

Let’s enjoy Oharai-machi

After visiting Ise Shrine let’s enjoy our free time at Oharai-machi, where we will reduce our traveling tiredness. Originally Ise Shrine had been for the Imperial Family till the Edo period, but since the Edo period it has opened its doors to all people. Many non-rich people around the corners of Japan were permitted to visit Ise Shrine. And a system aiding them with money and foods was set up. Oharai-machi, which has prospered in front of Ise Shrine (Naigu) since the Edo period in order to relax visitors, has a characteristic atmosphere. Popular Japanese confectionary in Ise “Akafuku”, special noodles in Ise “Ise-Udon” or many foods will relieve your fatigue from traveling. 

Tsukiyomi Shrine

If you have time to enjoy your traveling around Ise Shrine, I recommend you visit Tsukiyomi Shrine (Tsukiyomi-Gu) where you can go from Oharai-machi in about twenty minutes on foot, because I had sensed the big energy of Kami’s majesty for the first time in my life. I stood facing Tsukiyomi Shrine with no large anticipation fifteen years ago when I was overcome by a strong never experienced energy and I wasn’t able to enter the gate for a few seconds. It was the moment when my body synchronized with a fear of Kami whom ancient people had worshipped, simultaneously a deep sense of reverence towards Tsukiyomi Shrine entered my heart.

Tsukiyomi-Gu enshrines four Kami’s souls, Nigimitama of Tsukiyomi-no-mikoto, Aramitama of Tsukiyomi-no-mikoto, Izanagi-no-mikoyo and Izanami-no-mikoto. Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto were husband and wife, they married and made the Islands of Japan, moreover they had three kids, Amaterasu-omikami, Susano-no-mikoto and Tsukiyomi-no-mikoto. Although Tsukiyomi-Gu is much smaller than Ise Shrine which enshrines Amaterasu-omikami, their original rank is not lower than Amaterasu-omikami.

The reason I recommend Tsukiyomi-Gu is because it is the place where you will be able to sense something good until you have satisfaction. Tsukiyomi-Gu is quiet and tranquil with a lot of natural tall trees, cleaned roads and four simple shrines. I hope you will be able to sense something good in its atmosphere both with nature and people’s worship.

Shinto (2)

Fainally I will talk about “Nigimitama” and “Aramitama”.

The final theme about primitive Shinto has to be explained in addition to my aforementioned blog. 

Ise Shrine (1) Shinto

Great Kamis, like Amaterasu-Omikami or Tsukiyomi-no-mikoto are embodied by two characteristic souls. One is “Nigimitama”, the sound soul, the other is “Aramitama”, the brave soul.

Nigimitama is the peaceful side of Kami, your soul can synchronize it through your appreciating attitude of love. On the other hand Aramitama is the soul which reveals his extraordinary obvious Kami’s majesty at a time when the current of times might have to be changed. Aramitama occasionally causes disasters, occasionally radiates plague or one time for several centuries it causes an evolution.

This bilateral characteristics of great Kami’s majesty is very interesting. Normally kind but occasionally brave. As a great Kami has non-symmetric two characteristics, the collective Japanese people who worship great Kamis with two opposite souls are likely to have two contrasting characteristics.

I think it might have been influenced by Japanese nature which has four good seasons but occasionally has disasters. Japanese people are obedient in their everyday lives, but occasionally make themselves brave with courage. Japan is always introverted, but suddenly becomes extroverted.

An epic making instance was the Meiji Restoration. The introverted policies of the Tokugawa Bakufu for two and half centuries was suddenly and dramatically changed to the extroverted government of Meiji. Even though the cannon launch from the American gunboats in the Edo bay was the starting whistle of this storm and stress story surely, I think the Meiji Restoration had been achieved according to the mentality of the Japanese people rather than some military forces. Of course not to mention it can’t be explained logically. However compared with some revolutions of other countries the Meiji Restoration had fewer people’s blood shed and non doctrine. Reviewing it from a distant position in the sky, I can’t stop thinking that the Meiji Restoration was influenced by the merger of Aramitama and Nigimitama.

Shimei Shrine which worships Amaterasu-omikami


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