Kurama-dera Temple; to see mysterious elements

The sky from this point of Kurama-dera Temple is another sky, I have such a impression. Here is the top area of Kamakura-dera Temple. It may be due to the sweat of your walking up, but even by the many aspects of this temple.
Kurama-dera Temple has many houses on the slope of the 569m-high Kurama-yama Mountain in the north of Kyoto. The mountain has a 250 million-year-old stratum, so the stratum may include some mysterious energy.
From the front of the main gate at the foot of the mountain you can see the mountain beyond the gate. To arrive at the main cathedral on the upper slope of the mountain, you can shorten the time by riding on the cable car but I recommend you go on foot. You can see a lot of small temples along the way that has a road with many bends.

The three main deities of the temple

The temple enshrines the three deities, “Bishamonten”, “Kannon” and “Gohou-Maoh”. Bishamonten is the deity of the sun, Kannon is the deity of the moon and Gohou-Maoh is the deity of the earth. Gohou-Maoh, the guarding devil king, is a deity of Hinduism in India. The guarding devil king is so rare in Japan that I have never seen him in another temples.
In front of the main cathedral, after enjoying the sky view you should pray for your wish. It is said that the temple has a great energy to raise the energy in your body, and the center-point made by stone plates is the maximizing point.

The mysterious things about the TempleWhile looking well at the stone plates you can find many designs of geometry including a hexagram. I think hexagrams may be rare in temples, of course in Japan likewise.

You can find two tiger statues in front of the cathedral, and those are unusual, because there aren’t any wild tigers in Japan.

In addition, it is said that Kurama-dera Temple is the temple of “tengu” like the picture above. The carved face with the especially long nose, red skin and a big mustache looks different from the average Japanese man.

Lastly, the appearances of the guarding devil king is very strange. His figure is similar to the style of “syugenja”, a Japanese practicing priest with Buddhism and Shintoism in many deep mountains, but surprisingly, the guarding devil king has wings and his face is the same as a tengu.

What is tengu?Japan has a 15 thousand-year-long history with culture. It is said that it is the longest one in the world. Meanwhile, the first human of the present-day humanity was in Africa 100 thousand years ago. And the present-day Japanese people have the same gene as the first human, so the descendants of the first humans arrived in Japan, of course on foot. Please read the following opinion from the view point of such a long history.
Marvin Tokayer, who is an American Judaist, had been in Japan for ten years. And he wrote some books on Japan and he insists that the some of present-day Japanese people include the blood of the ancient Jews. The face of tengu is similar to that of the Jews. The hexagram is same as The Star of David. Furthermore, the small black box on the head of syugenja (look at the picture of the red tengu and find the black box on his head) is same as the one of a clergy of Judaism.
His explanation is strange, but when the ancient Assyrian people ruined the kingdom of Israel and the ancient Babylonian people invaded the country of the Jews in the 6 century B.C., the Jews’ country fell into ruin, that is a historical fact. Moreover there were twelve clans of the Jews at that time, but 10 clans were lost from historical writing. If one clan etc escaped for the east over time, it isn’t strange that they might have arrived in Japan.
Japan has a lot of cultures and Japan has accepted a lot of cultures and civilizations from foreign countries historically. Those are the most different aspects from other countries, I think. But yet nobody can explain why Japan has such aspects. If the ancient Jews had lived in ancient Japan, furthermore other races had lived in Japan, those aspects above are natural results.
Kurama-dera Temple explains nothing about the appearances of Jews. Those may not be particularly important in the scheme of things for the temple, or the temple may have other intentions not to explain. However, I think the temple is a holy ground of sorts, that many religions were mixed historically. You can enjoy a lot of mysterious things.
Did the ancient Jews live in Japan? To believe in it or not is up to you. However, there are considerable relationships between the Japanese and the Jews. We shouldn’t forget that a Jews, Jacob Schiff who was a banker in America, bought a large amount of the Japanese government bonds for the battle against Russia amid nobody aiding Japan and if it weren’t Japan must lost the battle.


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